


今日の論文2023/04/29,30:The Geometry of Multilingual Language Model Representations

The Geometry of Multilingual Language Model Representations aclanthology.org Tyler Chang, Zhuowen Tu, and Benjamin Bergen. 2022. The Geometry of Multilingual Language Model Representations. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirica…

今日の論文2023/04/27,28:LLaMA: Open and Efficient Foundation Language Models

LLaMA: Open and Efficient Foundation Language Models arxiv.org Touvron H, Lavril T, Izacard G, Martinet X, Lachaux MA, Lacroix T, Rozière B, Goyal N, Hambro E, Azhar F, Rodriguez A. Llama: Open and efficient foundation language models. arX…

今日の論文2023/04/26:N-best Response-based Analysis of Contradiction-awareness in Neural Response Generation Models

N-best Response-based Analysis of Contradiction-awareness in Neural Response Generation Models aclanthology.org Shiki Sato, Reina Akama, Hiroki Ouchi, Ryoko Tokuhisa, Jun Suzuki, and Kentaro Inui. 2022. N-best Response-based Analysis of Co…

今日の論文2023/04/24:A System For Robot Concept Learning Through Situated Dialogue

A System For Robot Concept Learning Through Situated Dialogue aclanthology.org Benjamin Kane, Felix Gervits, Matthias Scheutz, and Matthew Marge. 2022. A System For Robot Concept Learning Through Situated Dialogue. In Proceedings of the 23…

今日の論文2023/04/23:User Satisfaction Modeling with Domain Adaptation in Task-oriented Dialogue Systems

User Satisfaction Modeling with Domain Adaptation in Task-oriented Dialogue Systems aclanthology.org Yan Pan, Mingyang Ma, Bernhard Pflugfelder, and Georg Groh. 2022. User Satisfaction Modeling with Domain Adaptation in Task-oriented Dialo…

今日の論文2023/4/22:Reducing Model Churn: Stable Re-training of Conversational Agents

Reducing Model Churn: Stable Re-training of Conversational Agents aclanthology.org Christopher Hidey, Fei Liu, and Rahul Goel. 2022. Reducing Model Churn: Stable Re-training of Conversational Agents. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeti…

今日の論文2023/4/21:Graph Neural Network Policies and Imitation Learning for Multi-Domain Task-Oriented Dialogues

Graph Neural Network Policies and Imitation Learning for Multi-Domain Task-Oriented Dialogues aclanthology.org Thibault Cordier, Tanguy Urvoy, Fabrice Lefèvre, and Lina M. Rojas Barahona. 2022. Graph Neural Network Policies and Imitation L…

今日の論文2023/4/20:Dialog Acts for Task Driven Embodied Agents

Dialog Acts for Task Driven Embodied Agents aclanthology.org Spandana Gella, Aishwarya Padmakumar, Patrick Lange, and Dilek Hakkani-Tur. 2022. Dialog Acts for Task Driven Embodied Agents. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Sp…

今日の論文2023/4/19:Towards Socially Intelligent Agents with Mental State Transition and Human Value

Towards Socially Intelligent Agents with Mental State Transition and Human Value aclanthology.org Liang Qiu, Yizhou Zhao, Yuan Liang, Pan Lu, Weiyan Shi, Zhou Yu, and Song-Chun Zhu. 2022. Towards Socially Intelligent Agents with Mental Sta…

今日の論文2023/4/18:Towards Personality-Aware Chatbots

Towards Personality-Aware Chatbots aclanthology.org Daniel Fernau, Stefan Hillmann, Nils Feldhus, Tim Polzehl, and Sebastian Möller. 2022. Towards Personality-Aware Chatbots. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interes…

今日の論文2023/4/17:Evaluation of Response Generation Models: Shouldn’t It Be Shareable and Replicable?

Evaluation of Response Generation Models: Shouldn’t It Be Shareable and Replicable? aclanthology.org Seyed Mahed Mousavi, Gabriel Roccabruna, Michela Lorandi, Simone Caldarella, and Giuseppe Riccardi. 2022. Evaluation of Response Generatio…

今日の論文2023/4/16:Multi-Task Learning for Depression Detection in Dialogs

Multi-Task Learning for Depression Detection in Dialogs aclanthology.org Chuyuan Li, Chloé Braud, and Maxime Amblard. 2022. Multi-Task Learning for Depression Detection in Dialogs. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Special I…

今日の論文2023/4/15:What's New? Identifying the Unfolding of New Events in Narratives

What's New? Identifying the Unfolding of New Events in Narratives arxiv.org Mousavi SM, Tanaka S, Roccabruna G, Yoshino K, Nakamura S, Riccardi G. What's New? Identifying the Unfolding of New Events in Narratives. arXiv preprint arXiv:2302…

今日の論文2023/4/14:N -gram Is Back: Residual Learning of Neural Text Generation with n-gram Language Model

N -gram Is Back: Residual Learning of Neural Text Generation with n-gram Language Model aclanthology.org Huayang Li, Deng Cai, Jin Xu, and Taro Watanabe. 2022. Residual Learning of Neural Text Generation with n-gram Language Model. In Find…